Thursday 22 October 2015


                                                            THE RISING STAR


As a guy walks into the lecture hall filled with students gisting and enjoying themselves, the whole class turned their attention to the tall guy, with the girls admiring his handsome stature and his cute hair cut while the guys were envious of his befitting blue jeans jacket and his white pairs of shoe and at the same time wondering who he is.

   Despite noticing that everyone is staring at him, Pascal remains calm as he walks slowly and confidently with his head lifted, his broad shoulders wide, his back straight and slow footsteps, moving towards the back of the class where he sat down, he brings out his headphone and started listening to "Candy shop by 50 cent", he likes the beat so much as well as the lyrics.50 cent is one of his favourite artists.

"Good morning students" shouted a cheerful lecturer who just entered the hall  ,without waiting to get the response as the students replied immediately "Good morning Mr Collins", Right now, we have in our midst the son of the Vice chancellor of this great university, his name Pele Pascal, he crossed from Yale University and we are happy to have him in this music department and as a mate to you guys in this 300 level class, thats him at the back of the class ,he pointed"

The students turn their heads once again to watch him as he removes his headphone and hung it on his neck with a little smile on his face.

"If you want to know him more, just go to him for a small chat, he is a nice and cool guy", Mr Collins said smilingly.

"Now,to the business of the day, Music dynamics, i won't be able to lecture you guys today but i have uploaded the PDF format of the note on the school website, make sure you download and read it before next week class, very important , i repeat, very important! He concluded.
He was already leaving the hall when he shouted "ehn ehn Pascal, see me in my office now, very important too.
"Okay sir" Pascal responded as he stood up and left the hall.

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