Thursday 22 October 2015


Pascal has a small house on the school campus and since his arrival as a student, he has been quite famous among every students with his red coloured lexus car which makes other students to be curious of who owns such a nice car.
    He was driving along the bank area of the campus one evening when it was raining cat and dog and suddenly;
     Pascal! Pascal! He heard a female voice shouted, like the crying of a mother who lost her baby.
    As Pascal heard his name, he looked outside the glass and saw a girl who is heavily soaked in the rain and almost shivering to death.

"Come in ,Come in" he said as he opened the other front door for her"

She entered with her soaked body and water started drooling into his car, Pascal watched for a second as it drools and she noticed him.

"Am so sorry", She said remorsefully.

"That's a small thing ,i will take care of it later" he said ,as he looked into her face and admired her natural beauty and quickly taking his eyes off her to offer her a face towel to clean her body.

"Thanks" ,she said as she collected it.

Pascal continues driving, then after some few minutes, Pascal saw that she is now done cleaning her body, then he asked;

"What's your name?

"Rihanna" she replied gently.

"Holala! he sing too? He asked as he switches attention to her.

"No, I am not an artist" as she smiles widely.

"But you like listening to music ,right?

"Yes and i like singing too" ,she responded.

"That's nice" ,Pascal replied.

"So where are you going now?

"Queens Hostel" ,she responded.(now feeling comfortable with him)

"Okay, we are almost there.(he said and thought to himself that despite her beauty she is the soft, gentle and humble type).

He continued, "where is your room, maybe i will pay you a visit one day?

"Really?, You don't mean it!, She said smilingly.

"I will ,i promise ,he said, with a little smile.
(stops car as they are already in front of Queens hostel)

"Block M, room 205" ,i will be expecting you Pascal, thanks a lot for the lift. ,she said.

"You are welcome", he responded.

(They hugged lightly and she dropped down, waved at him "Good bye" and she left).

(Pascal watched her smilingly as she walks away)...

Vooom!!!!!!!!...he drove away!

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